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Discover Biodynamic Breathwork in Adelaide

Release stored tension & trauma from the body using a holistic healing approach, integrating breath, movement, sound, touch & expression.

Connect with What Lies Within

The current scientific estimate is that ~95% of our brain activity is unconscious. This unconscious activity is more than our automatic body functions, it includes our beliefs, behaviours & biases. While who we are lies overwhelmingly below the surface, it’s not beyond our influence. We have the ability to rewire who we are, through deeply reconnecting to who we are.


What is Biodynamic Breathwork?

Biodynamic Breathwork (BBTRS®) is a holistic approach to healing and self-discovery, integrating breath, movement, sound, touch & emotional release. The technique focuses on releasing stored tension and trauma from the body by working with the natural connection between breath and emotions.


Combining ancient wisdom and modern science, this modality invites us to feel - really feel - all of who we are, allowing us to stand more powerfully in the world, release stress and tension, consciously step away from negative patterns and embrace our full potential.

The Benefits of Biodynamic Breathwork

Practicing Biodynamic Breathwork offers a range of potential physical, emotional & psychological benefits. 


1. Stress Reduction: Releasing physical tension & creating space for deep relaxation helps significantly lower long-term stress levels.


2. Emotional Release: Conscious breathing & guided bodywork can tap into suppressed emotions, creating an opportunity for their release & integration.


3. Trauma Healing: Specifically designed to address trauma held in your body, BBTRS® can help you to release trauma-induced patterns and find greater emotional freedom.*


4. Increased Awareness: Becoming more attuned to your physical & emotional sensations enables you to respond instead of react to your internal & external world.


5. Improved Resilience: Expanding your window of tolerance, slowly & safely, enhances your ability to handle life’s challenges.


6. Enhanced Mental Clarity: After a session many people report greater mental clarity, as well as a whole-body sense of calm and balance.


7. Empower Personal Growth: The deep self-discovery BBTRS® invites, offers a pathway to profound personal development to unlock your full potential.

*I realise there’s a buzz around the term ‘trauma’ right now, so I’ve included the ‘trauma healing’ benefit cautiously. I invite you to explore the Biodynamic Breathwork website to learn more about the pedigree behind the modality.

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If you’re looking to stand more powerfully in the world and step into your full potential, it would be my honour to help you on that journey.

the Difference Between Biodynamic Breathwork and Other Breathwork

While most current breathwork techniques focus primarily on altered states of consciousness, Biodynamic Breathwork adds a crucial embodied somatic element. It combines breath with movement, sound & therapeutic touch, creating a multi-layered healing process.


Unlike other methods, BBTRS® places strong emphasis on releasing trauma stored in the body, via the body, making it especially effective for those working through deep-seated emotional issues.


What Does The Process Look Like?

In Biodynamic Breathwork we work systematically to gently release psychological & somatic defence mechanisms, layer by layer, to deepen your access to body sensations, feelings & core self.


The ‘7 Belts of Tension’ within the body”:


  1. The eyes (Ocular Segment)

  2. The jaw (Oral Segment)

  3. The neck (Cervical Segment)

  4. The heart (Thoracic Segment)

  5. The waist (Diaphragmatic Segment)

  6. The belly (Abdominal Segment)

  7. The pelvis and legs (Pelvic Segment)

What Does a Biodynamic Breathwork Session Look Like?

Held in a safe, supportive environment, during your Biodynamic Breathwork session you’ll be invited to either sit or lie down and begin to follow a guided breathing pattern. Together we’ll use a combination of breathwork, bodywork, movement & sound to encourage the release of physical & emotional tension. While there's a framework, the session is tailored to you, meaning no two experiences are the same.


Following our initial case history discussion, here’s what you can expect from your first session:


1. Introduction & Intention Setting: This is time to check-in and if you like, plant a seed for the session.


2. Safety & Resourcing: Here we establish a place of safety, strength & comfort, either internally or within the space.


3. Breathwork: During this phase guided deep breathing is used to activate your autonomic nervous system, and use gentle consensual bodywork, body movement, music & even vocalisation to explore different layers of tension & emotion.


4. Integration: This crucial part of the session is your time to relax, absorb your experience and let everything settle down.

5. Grounding & Aftercare: To close out, we check-in again and provide self-care tips for post-session.

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Why Undertake This Journey With Me?

Comprehensive Training

Designed specifically to support somatic trauma release, the BBTRS® system emphasises the processes of titration & pendulation, to meet you where you are, allowing you to explore & express at your own pace. This paced exploration is also reflected in the practitioner training, with the 2 year journey to becoming a fully certified Biodynamic Breathwork practitioner one of the most comprehensive breathworker trainings globally.


Ethical Commitment

As a BBTRS® Practitioner ‘In Training’ please be assured that I am committed to:

  1. Always providing a service I am confident in;

  2. Delivering that service to the highest ethical standards; and

  3. Continuing my own personal & professional development, including beyond the BBTRS® curriculum.


Breathwork Focused 

Since 2019 I’ve spent 1,000+ hours facilitating breathwork and have spent hundreds of hours learning directly from the world's best breathwork mentors and I’m transparent with my accreditations.


I approach the medicine of breathwork with reverence & respect, and bring an informed understanding of the somatic approach to trauma, to create a sensitive, supportive & safe space for your journey of growth & healing.

Currently, I’m the only person offering Biodynamic Breathwork in Adelaide.


Breathwork Offerings

As a BBTRS® Practitioner ‘In Training’, I’m offering 1:1 Biodynamic Breathwork sessions at a significant discount.

  • Sessions are available both in-person and online.

  • Duration: In-person - 90 mins / Online - 75 mins

  • Location: In-person - Kilkenny, SA / Online - via video call

  • What to wear: Comfortable clothing, suitable for moving freely in

Please select the offering below that aligns with your current intention, review the Important Health Information at the bottom of this page, then book your first session below. 

Single Session

Begin to explore your somatic self, attuning to what’s stored within your body, to create space for deep relaxation.


Investment - $79

4-Session Exploration

Guided by your specific intention, we’ll begin to explore layers of tension, giving space for stored emotion to be released & processed.​


Investment - $299

Full 8-Session Journey

A systematic, gentle unwinding through layers of tension, creating opportunity for deep-seated patterns to release, facilitating deeper self-connection.​


Investment - $599

Not sure if this is right for you? Book a free consult call to discuss this offering.


  • I have a health condition/I'm pregnant. Can I attend?
    While the activities & sessions can be practiced by every healthy individual and are suitable for everyone 18 years and over, out of precaution, we advise against practicing during pregnancy (or if you’re looking to conceive), or if you are epileptic. People with cardiovascular issues, or any other serious health conditions (e.g. high blood pressure, COPD, stroke) or those with Raynaud's disease (Type 2) or cold urticaria should always get in touch with the instructor and consult a medical professional before attending. If you have specific questions relating to your condition, please contact me before making your booking. This was Emily’s experience: "Kym was incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about every aspect of the course including catering to people with different abilities. I have some chronic medical conditions and he made sure everything was safe and comfortable for me to participate as well as giving me additional information to help with moving forward."
  • Do you teach outside of events?
    Yes, I offer private coaching and workshops. Private workshops Alongside public workshops, I also teach private workshops for small groups, those looking individualised attention or for those looking to work with a specific health need or performance goal. Learn more Private breathing coaching These sessions are tailored to areas you’d like to focus on including; breathing better, helping to improve asthma, sleeping better and calming the mind. I can also work with you to develop a training plan to improve your athletic performance. It’s up to you! Learn more
  • How do I book private coaching?
    If you’re looking for 1:1 breathwork coaching you can learn more about what I offer here - Breathing Coaching
  • Do you offer gift vouchers?
    Yes. Gift vouchers are available for Group and Private events. Unfortunately I do not offer vouchers for breathing coaching at this stage. Important note: please enter the voucher recipients name in the 'Add note' field and your name & email when checking out. Buy gift voucher
  • Do you offer concession discounts?
    While I'm not able to offer a blanket concession discount for people on Centrelink or pension, at select workshops I'm able to offer significantly discounted ticket prices. If you find yourself in a difficult situation financially, I'll do my best to accommodate you or direct you to where/how you can best learn yourself. Speak with me to see how I might be able to help.
  • I’m new to the Wim Hof Method, how do I get started?
    There’s a lot of content out there on Wim (8 million results), so it can be confusing to know where to begin. Here are my 5 tips to help you get started with the Wim Hof Method.
  • I only want to practice the breathing/cold exposure, is that ok?
    Research published in 2022 by the Radboud University in the Netherlands investigated this exact thing. Unsurprisingly, the combination of the breathing technique and cold exposure showed the most robust and significant effects on positively attenuating the immune system. However, there were also positive outcomes for those practicing only the breathing or only cold training. Read the full published paper
  • I’ve completed an online Wim Hof Method course, why come to a workshop?
    There are plenty of reasons to come along to a workshop even if you’ve completed a course, or been practicing for some time, with many participants echoing Marianne’s - “The experience was significantly better than what I had managed by myself at home.” Discover the Benefits of a Wim Hof Method Workshop.
  • What’s better; cold shower, ice bath or cryotherapy?
    Factors like the type, temperature and time play a role in providing benefits of cold exposure, but they’re not the most important. Read my article The 4 T’s of Cold Exposure for a breakdown on each, and discover what is actually more important.
  • How do I set up a chest freezer?
    Having a chest freezer cold plunge at home offers many benefits from convenience to the ability to adjust the temperature. Read my tips to building a chest freezer cold plunge for a breakdown of my chest freezer ice bath setup.
  • Is the Wim Hof Method for everybody?
    The Wim Hof Method can be practiced by every healthy individual and workshops are suitable for everyone 18 years and over, regardless of your current level of fitness or confidence. This was Emily’s experience: "Kym was incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about every aspect of the course including catering to people with different abilities. I have some chronic medical conditions and he made sure everything was safe and comfortable for me to participate as well as giving me additional information to help with moving forward." Out of precaution, we advise against practicing during pregnancy (or if you’re looking to conceive), or if you are epileptic. People with cardiovascular issues, or any other serious health conditions (e.g. high blood pressure, COPD, stroke) or those with Raynaud's disease (Type 2) or cold urticaria should always get in touch with the instructor and consult a medical professional before starting the Wim Hof Method. If you suffer from migraines, be cautious when it comes to taking ice baths (and other cold exposure). If you have specific questions relating to your condition, please contact me beforehand.
  • Is the Wim Hof Method suitable for children?
    The Wim Hof Method breathing techniques can cause lightheadedness and even loss of consciousness. Children often have not matured to the point where they understand their body well enough to adequately assess these risks. Additionally, their lungs and brains are still developing. Therefore, we advise that children under the age of 18 are supervised by a parent or legal guardian. Please be careful with regard to cold exposure, and build this up gradually. I have a limit of 18 years and above at all my public workshops, but I am happy to discuss, on a case-by-case basis, teaching those under 18 at private workshops under supervision of a parent or legal guardian. I do not teach children under the age of 13. However, there are so many other breathing techniques that can be taught to children. Please contact me to organise a modified breathwork session suitable for kids to teenagers.
  • I’ve been practicing the Wim Hof Method for a few weeks, but now I feel worse?
    Our lives and our lifestyle, our poor (breathing) habits condition us and this takes time to clear out blockages (and trash that’s built up in our bodies) and relearn new behaviours. Along the way the body can protest, and it’s common for people to feel a little worse after 3 weeks, and to potentially get sick/flu at week 5-6. Keep at it, but if you feel unwell, drop the cold exposure until you’re better.
  • I have a cold/flu/feel unwell, should I continue cold training?
    Cold exposure training is a form of hormetic stress - a small, measured dose of stress on the body - but, it is still stress… and so is having a cold/flu. There’s no point adding to that stress, instead encourage your body to direct it’s healing energy into getting better and pick up your cold training when you’re better. I would recommend keeping up your breathing practice, but listen to your body - go light if you need to.
  • I hear Wim say “belly, chest, head” and “squeeze to the head”. What does he mean and should I do it?
    “Belly, chest, head” is a common guidance given during the breathing technique. Personally, I recommend people engage their primary breathing muscles - “belly, ribcage, chest” - and leave the head out of it. “Squeeze to the head” is often a cue given during the recovery breath (after the breath hold). Personally, I recommend people avoid pressurising their head or bringing any tension to their neck/face/head at all. The entire Wim Hof Method breathing technique should be done without force. Too many people, especially when they are new, lack the breathing awareness and control required to avoid this when trying to follow the instruction “squeeze to the head”. Instead, I recommend people create intrathoracic pressure (positive pressure in their abdomen and chest) on the recovery breath. Being able to successfully (and safely) “squeeze to the head” is an advanced technique and is something I cover at an Advanced workshop.
  • My fingers tighten up during the breathing - what is happening?
    TL;DR The breathing technique increases nerve cell activity which can cause muscles to contract spontaneously, most noticeably in the hands and feet. During the breathing exercises you may experience involuntary muscle contraction (or tingling sensation) in your hands or feet, known as ‘tetany’. Intensified breathing causes a decrease in CO2 within the blood (respiratory alkalosis), starting a cascade of ionization changes and leading to increased nerve cell sensitivity. These cells then require less excitation to cause a muscle response, to the point where the muscles can contract spontaneously. The effects are typically expressed most distinctly in the hands and feet, but can extend across the entire body. Barring any pre-existing medical conditions, this phenomenon is entirely harmless, and the effects dissipate within minutes following the breathing session. Over time it may no longer occur at all. Note: If your whole body is seizing up (not just hands and feet), significantly decrease your breathing intensity and the length of your breath holds. If it continues to occur, please contact Kym to discuss ways to adjust your technique, as repeatedly doing this is not healthy If the sensation is painful, please consult a medical professional
  • I feel lightheaded or I have fainted during the breathing exercise. Is this dangerous?
    TL;DR No it’s not, but it’s also not the objective (or healthy) to repeatedly have either happen. Decrease your breathing intensity and focus on a slower inhale. Lightheadedness The breathing exercise causes a decrease in CO2 within the blood (respiratory alkalosis), which can cause a rapid shift in blood pressure (an increase or decrease depending what part of the technique you’re in). For some people, the change in blood pressure during the breathing phase causes them to feel lightheaded. In this case, the recommendation is to decrease your breathing intensity and focus on a slower inhale followed by slowing your exhale down. If the lightheadedness persists, stop and speak with a medical professional. Fainting By lowering your CO2 levels during the breathing, you’re able to extend the length of time you can hold your breath. Ordinarily, a rise in CO2 during a breath hold would trigger you to take a breath, however, there may be instances when your blood oxygen levels become too low before this has occurred, causing you to faint. This is why we recommend you practice the Wim Hof Method breathing technique in a safe location; on a flat, stable surface, with plenty of space around you. You should not practice in or near water, while sitting or standing, or while undertaking any activity where fainting or loss of consciousness could be dangerous.
  • My ears are ringing during or after the breathing session - is this normal?
    It’s important to distinguish between short term, ‘ear ringing’ and the more long term, tinnitus, which has a number of different causes (the mechanism of which is still debated). People seem to fall into one of three categories when it comes to ear ringing sensations; No ringing sensations (vast majority of people) Short period of ringing sensations, which generally goes away after 5-30 minutes Long period of ringing sensations afterward, which may become more intense with continued practice and take longer to disappear (very small minority of people) There are potentially several physiological reasons that trigger the ringing sensation (again, there’s no scientific consensus here); Temporary blood pressure increase within the inner ear Temporary decrease in oxygen saturation (hypoxia) within the cochlear Increase neural activity in the auditory brainstem, causing auditory nerve cells to become over-excited An underlying condition that is triggered or exacerbated by the breathing technique (potentially by one of the above reasons) From my experience, there appear to potentially be several technique related triggers; New to the Wim Hof Method and new to breathwork in general (within the first few months) Breathing too intensely, leading to very low oxygen saturation during the breath hold Pressurisation of the head (mainly during the recovery breath) creating a significant increase in cranial blood pressure (this is why I do not recommend people “squeeze to the head” - see separate FAQ) Comment from the official Wim Hof Method website: “In the vast majority of cases, the ringing disappears with repeated breathing practice. If you find that, after several weeks, the noise persists or intensifies, some underlying physiological condition may be at play, and we recommend you consult a medical professional.”
  • What is the cost of the program?
    The investment for this highly personalised, expert service varies depending on the scope and duration of the program. The starting price for the eight-week (9 session) program begins at $999 (or a single 2-hour introduction session is $199). However, we offer a range of coaching options tailored to your specific needs, each with its own pricing structure. We believe in delivering personalised value, so we encourage you to connect with us to discuss your goals and preferences. This way, we can recommend the most suitable coaching plan for you, ensuring you receive the utmost benefit from our transformative services.
  • Can I book a single session?
    To change a deeply unconscious habit like your breathing takes time. That's why I created this 8-week coaching program. However, I want to accommodate different financial situations, so I also offer a one-off introduction session. In this 2 hour session we assess your breathing and create a basic self-guided program for you to follow (for approximately 4 weeks). If after that, you'd like to sign up for the full 8-week program, you'll get a $100 discount. Sign up for the one-off introduction session here.
  • How does the process work?
    Start by booking a free 30 min discovery call - During this call you'll have the opportunity to share your challenges, aspirations, and any queries you may have. This assessment call is an important step, enabling Kym to gain a deeper understanding of your unique situation and provide tailored recommendations accordingly. The power of this coaching program lies in its personalisation, and this initial call helps ensure that the coaching journey is tailored to address your specific needs, to set you up for success and empower you every step of the way.
  • What time commitment is required?
    The program is designed to integrate with your lifestyle. Weekly sessions run for between 45-60 mins, depending on the exercises covered. Outside of our time together, you will need to dedicate 10-20 mins several times per day. To make it more likely to implement changes and stay consistent, while managing your day-to-day obligations, we recommend using habit stacking (learn more). Fully committing to this program will ensure that you get the most out of it.
  • Can I do this together with my partner?
    As this is a tailored program based on each individual's physiology, to keep the program effective, it is recommended to undertake it individually. If you would like to do it together with a partner, please contact me to discuss suitability.
  • Is this program only delivered in-person?
    No. The coaching program can be delivered in-person (in Adelaide, SA), completely online or a combination. If you live in Adelaide, I recommend a combination approach, but we will discuss the delivery that works best for you as part of the assessment call.
  • Do sessions include an ice bath/sauna?
    While the coaching program may include heat and/or cold therapy recommendations, our weekly sessions do not include a guided experience for these. If you are interested in either of these activities, they are offered as in-person add-ons.
  • Is this program guided breathwork or therapy?
    This coaching program isn’t a ‘turn up and breathe’ style of program. Think of this as a PT program, with breathwork at the centre. I do offer guided transformational breathwork sessions which you can read about here - Biodynamic Breathwork offering. Alternatively, I’m happy to connect you to trained Rebirthing or Conscious Connected Breathwork facilitators Australia-wide. Please understand what I offer is not a substitute for talk therapy, but rather is designed to work alongside medical & therapeutic advice, as a holistic approach to your wellbeing.
  • What if I have a specific medical condition?
    If you have any major health concerns or specific medical conditions, we encourage you to openly share these during your assessment call. Knowing this information is vital to tailoring the coaching to your unique needs. By discussing any health concerns, you help ensure that your coaching journey is safe, effective, and aligned with your overall wellbeing. Rest assured that the coaching approach is holistic, adaptable and personalised to meet you exactly where you are on your path to long-term wellbeing. If you have specific questions or concerns, it is recommended to contact your medical professional before applying.
  • How do I prepare on the day for the session?
    Beforehand Ensure you're well hydrated the day of. Avoid (or limit) caffeine 3 hours prior. Smokers; for in-person sessions please stop 60 mins prior and refresh your breath beforehand. Please don't eat a large meal 60-120 mins prior (breathing with a fully belly isn't fun). If you're under the influence of non-prescription drugs or alcohol you will be not be allowed to participate (no refund will be provided under these circumstances). As you may be moving around and to facilitate any bodywork, we recommend wearing comfortable clothing e.g. loose pants/leggings and t-shirt/top (please do not wear jeans or a dress/skirt). If this is your first session, please arrive 15 mins prior to complete intake paperwork. If possible, arrive 5-10 mins prior to allow yourself to relax & ground.
  • What do I need for the online session?
    All online sessions will be facilitated by video call. Please be in front of a computer or mobile phone, ideally with headphones, with your camera positioned so I can clearly see from your head to your hips. You can either be seated or lying down. Ensure you're in safe environment, indoors, with enough room to move freely. To help with any potential emotional expression, please be in a location where you're able to talk, cry etc. openly. I recommend keeping pets (and children if possible) out of the room. To fully honor the work you're doing, I strongly encourage you to ask people to not disturb you during your session. Ensure any mobile phones and smart watches are on airplane mode (I recommend removing your smart watch). Please have water, tissues, notebook & pen nearby. If you're lying down, I recommend using a yoga mat, blanket and small pillow.
  • What to do after your Biodynamic Breathwork session?
    Afterward You will leave the session feeling balanced, however your nervous system will still be adjusting, so go slow and be gentle with yourself in the hours after the session. As your internal world may be heightened, I recommend being mindful of what you watch/listen to/engage with (probably don't watch that horror movie). Aim to get good sleep the night of your session. Integration & Between-Session Support As much as this is a practitioner-client setup and I am here for support, I ask you to develop integration practices that allow you to develop deeper self-dependence. Understand everyone is different and it may take longer for some to fully integrate than it does for others (days or even weeks). Below are some advised integration tools: Slowing down Grounding exercises (get barefoot on the grass!) Mindful breathing Engaging your senses; Sight, Hearing, Touch, Voice & Smell Journaling & artistic expression Meditation Hold a significant object Yin Yoga or Yoga Nidra Connect to your 'felt sense' Connect to your internal & external resources Don’t make big decisions...Just yet Refrain from drugs, alcohol & poor diet choices For questions or if you require further support, please contact me. Important Reminder: These sessions are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or therapeutic advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of these sessions. For life-threatening or urgent situation: In Australia - Triple Zero (000) Mobile, worldwide - One One Two (112) For crisis and suicide support (within Australia): Lifeline Australia - 13 11 14 Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467 Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636 Headspace - 1800 650 890
  • Who is Biodynamic Breathwork not suitable for?
    Common sense should always prevail in determining what modalities you participate in, but there are a few conditions that are not good matches to the intensity that can come with this modality. Those in the following groups should abstain from BBTRS® entirely: Those under 18 years of age. People under the influence of recreational drugs or alcohol. Pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, as the release associated with deep breathwork should be avoided. Those who suffer from asthma, unless it is very mild (please consult a doctor). Severe heart disease, epilepsy, or a history of seizures. Mental illness, especially schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and any condition that includes psychosis. Severe diabetes, although some people with very mild diabetes, and who are proactive with diet and medication, might tolerate BBTRS® (please consult a doctor). Acute physical injuries can be exacerbated by some of the autonomic movements in BBTRS®. Please consult with a doctor or physical therapist and your BBTRS® facilitator to determine if your level of healing is sufficient to participate. ​ If you have specific questions relating to your health, please contact me.
  • What do I need to know when booking multiple sessions?
    When signing up for a multiple session offering, all sessions are booked at once. While this may sound strange, putting everything in your calendar helps create momentum & commitment to the process. I recommend leaving no more than 2 weeks between sessions. You'll receive a booking confirmation email and then reminders 24 hours and 1 hour prior. The booking software is very user friendly and you can reschedule your bookings with just a few clicks.
  • How many sessions do you recommend?
    Everyone is arriving for this journey with their own life experience and with their own goals & desires for this work. The Biodynamic Breathwork approach is to work systematically to gently release psychological & somatic defence mechanisms, layer by layer. For many, somatic breathwork is an entirely new modality, so it can take a few sessions to begin to develop your felt sense and get into the practice. For these reasons, there are several offerings available. From my own experience, the full 8-session journey was needed to really start to tune in to the physical & emotional sensations within my body. I look at this work as a layer-by-layer journey, working with each of the 7 'Belts of Tension' each time, to fully explore each new layer.
  • How long should I wait between sessions?
    The integration period for everybody is different. It's a vital part of the journey to give yourself time to process what you experience during your sessions. For this reason, I don't recommend more than one session per week. Fortnightly is my suggested frequency, but we can discuss this together.
  • Can I do a session with a partner?
    Group work is not currently offered for my Biodynamic Breathwork sessions. In a similar way that people largely attend therapy individually, a Biodynamic Breathwork session is no different. Part of creating a safe, supportive and non-judgemental environment for expression is to hold sessions only one-on-one. (And I've only got 2 hands for bodywork!)
  • Is this the same as Rebirthing or other breathwork?
    No. Most current 'transformational' style breathwork techniques (e.g. Conscious Connected Breathwork, Rebirthing, Holotropic Breathwork) focus primarily on altered states of consciousness, which for some can trigger dissociation (or even lead to retraumatisation). Biodynamic Breathwork adds a crucial embodied somatic element, combining a conscious connected breath with movement & therapeutic touch. Additionally, BBTRS® uses the tools of pendulation, titration, discharge & regulation to help clients safely & slowly work on releasing stored tension and trauma from the body. Pendulation - shifting between feelings of safety and discomfort in a balanced way. Titration - gradually working with small amounts of tension to avoid overwhelming the nervous system. Discharge - releasing stored physical tension in the body through movement or activity. Regulation - the process of learning to self-regulate the nervous system and manage physical sensations & emotions. With it's strong emphasis on releasing trauma stored in the body, via the body, BBTRS® is especially effective for those working through deep-seated emotional issues. Learn what makes BBTRS® so unique & transformative.
  • Is this program talk therapy?
    No. Biodynamic Breathwork is not talk therapy. These sessions are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or therapeutic advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of these sessions.
  • What do you mean by BBTRS® Practitioner ‘In Training’?
    The training to become a fully certified Biodynamic Breathwork practitioner is one of the most comprehensive breathworker trainings globally, consisting of 500+ hours of study and taking between 18-24 months. The training is broken down into 4 modules. At the end of each one, including the first one, we're permitted to begin seeing clients, to help develop our skills as a facilitator. During this period we required to let clients know we're a BBTRS® Practitioner ‘In Training’. Please be assured that I am committed to: Always providing a service I am confident in; Delivering that service to the highest ethical standards; and Continuing my own personal & professional development, including beyond the BBTRS® curriculum. Please contact me with any further queries or visit the BBTRS® website.
  • How do I know if this is right for me?
    Working at this level on your personal growth & healing is vulnerable. It's as much about the resonance between facilitator and client and the space that's created, as it is the modality itself. Having interacted with many therapists over time, I would have really appreciated a chat prior to see if we're a good fit.... so that's what I offer. Simply reach out and we'll organise a call together. Contact me
  • Do you offer this training online?
    Yes, there is an online option, facilitated by the creator, Deano Gladstone, available here
  • What type of cold exposure training can I teach?
    This course provides Accreditation for Cold Exposure Practical and Theoretical Training. Once certified, together with a current First Aid Certificate and insurance cover, you'll be able to guide people in ice baths and cold plunges. Additional training and insurance is highly recommended to facilitate sessions in open water (oceans, lakes, streams) or snow (e.g. swimming coach, water rescue, alpine guiding or other related qualifications), which do not form part of this course.
  • Will I be insured when I complete this course?
    Passing this training meets the requirements to obtain relevant public liability insurance. However, due to individual insurance company requirements and your individual circumstances, completion of this certification does not guarantee insurance cover.

Important Health Information
Common sense should always prevail in determining what modalities you participate in, but there are a few conditions that are not good matches to the intensity that can come with this modality. Those in the following groups should abstain from BBTRS® entirely:

  • Those under 18 years of age.

  • People under the influence of recreational drugs or alcohol.

  • Pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, as the release associated with deep breathwork should be avoided.

  • Those who suffer from asthma, unless it is very mild (please consult a doctor).

  • Severe heart disease, epilepsy, or a history of seizures.

  • Mental illness, especially schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and any condition that includes psychosis.

  • Severe diabetes, although some people with very mild diabetes, and who are proactive with diet and medication, might tolerate BBTRS® (please consult a doctor).

  • Acute physical injuries can be exacerbated by some of the autonomic movements in BBTRS®. Please consult with a doctor or physical therapist and your BBTRS® facilitator to determine if your level of healing is sufficient to participate.

If you have specific questions relating to your health, please contact me.


This service is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or therapeutic advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

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